It's Yours To Protect Weekend April 20-22! Join an event in Ontario! REGISTER HERE!
3 ways to
take action
We must use every opportunity to speak in favour of preserving farmland and against expanding the Urban Boundary.
Let your elected representatives know, #Stopthe413 #HandsOffTheGreenBelt and #RestoreTheUrbanBoundary!
1. do your research
Start with explainers by The Narwhal on the province's unprecedented attacks on our Conservation Authorities and environment. Follow with detailed analysis of the Greenbelt scandal and the flip-flops, new and changed policies and reckless cuts that continue to exacerbate sprawl and congestion as well as worsen affordability. Keep informed and sign a petition, send an email and/or make a call via Environmental Defence, Ontario Nature, The David Suzuki Foundation, Leadnow and Yours to Protect.
2. Actions with allies
1. JOIN local groups supporting housing and transportation reform, as well as local environmental action! Groups such as EcoCaledon, Brampton Environmental Alliance, More Homes Mississauga, Sustainable Mississauga and Community Climate Council!
2. JOIN and HOST a #YTPweekend event near you!
3. JOIN and SUPPORT the Greenbelt Promise campaign!
3. Speak up online
Message elected officials, especially at the Provincial level, including direct messages and tags via their social media accounts. Share your concerns in changes to Provincial legislation, authority and budgets and how it will make Peel and surrounding regions more unaffordable, sprawled, food insecure, climate vulnerable and congested, all while local planning and conservation authority is dismantled. Consider these tips:
Whether you like your representative or not, please be respectful and be clear in your concerns and questions.
Link to resources above and consider sharing a screenshots on specific concerns - these could also come from media coverage on this issue (please tag all sources for credit).
Great sources of Peel coverage to reference are The Pointer, The Narwhal, CBC and Metroland (local + Toronto Star) - we have linked many recent articles under the resources tab.
Tag us in your tweet/post/comment: @StopSprawlPeel.
Use the petition/phone/email tools created by the organizations listed - we always recommend to customize your response!