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It's Yours To Protect Weekend April 20-22! Join an event in Ontario! REGISTER HERE!

In 2022...
Peel Region
decided on the future planning framework for 1.5 million residents and those to come through 2050. Council chose to approve a new Official Plan, faster and earlier than needed, which continues a legacy of sprawl, at high cost, rather than building mixed-use, affordable, walkable communities. Council chose to cater to developers and keep paving over farmland and environmentally-sensitive areas. Peel made a choice, and WE voted in June and October elections to bring more champions to stop sprawl into office. Now, Peel and municipalities across Ontario face the enormous threat from Provincially approved legislation including Bills 23, 39 and 109 which will further diminish our local environment, agricultural systems and ability to build and plan within our cities, rather than sprawling outwards. In 2023, will we unite across all regions to stop sprawl, demand real solutions to affordable housing, and protect our Greenbelt?
Make YOUR voice heard for food security, sustainable communities and a healthy environment!
WHat's at risk?
It's so much more than just the Urban Boundary expansion in Peel (and other local Official Plans). Continued policy changes such as MZOs, weakening of Environmental Assessments, gutting of endangered species, planning, mining and conservation authority regulations and legislation is a dizzying burden on waterways, forests and farmlands that sustain us, and was managed thoughtfully by Indigenous Peoples for millennia. We have also seen the government face the music and reverse course on some of these damaging cuts - we cannot let up the fight until we stop sprawl (and highways) for good.

Watch TO LEARn more about Bill 23, the "More sprawl, fewer wetlands" act, and how we fight back:
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